Capsule Wardrobe for Jewelry
Does your jewelry box look like this? All jumbled and cluttered? Some things broken, most things bought on impulse? Or because they were ‘just the thing’ according to that sweet girl in the store? I want you to think carefully- how much of that jewelry do...
Merry Christmas!
I wanted to take this time to wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas, and wonderful Holiday. As I can’t be there in person to give you all a box of my famous handmade truffles, I wanted to share a smile instead. Just a little something to make you...
What’s Your Story?
As much as I may tell my kids not to rely exclusively on someone’s outward appearance- it’s a fact of life that we all judge one another on first impressions. Is this person trustworthy? Well he must be- he shook my hand and looked me straight in the...
Telling Your Story
My neighbor came to dinner a little while ago, and studied my china cabinet with interest. “I bet every one of those has a story,” she said- and she was right. As I looked at my glassware and china in this huge display cabinet, I realized that it was...
5 things you can do to feel Beautiful
Sometimes you just feel like the sludge at the bottom of your coffee cup. Even though the weather has turned, allergies refuse to let us go- and it’s hard to feel optimistic with politics looming in such uncertain economic times. It’s enough to make a...
Happy Valentine’s Day
On this holiday I want to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day, and to tell you how much you mean to me. We’ve probably never met, but when you read my blog, like my items, or just show an interest- you make my day. All year long you click, read or share...
If We Shadows
There’s something I feel you should know about me before we go any further in this blogger/blog reader relationship. Brace yourself. I adore Shakespeare. The arguments over who “really” wrote Shakespeare’s plays don’t matter...Let the Internet Live
This is primarily a jewelry blog. But sometimes something so big comes along, I’ll talk about it anyways. I don’t know if any of you have heard of SOPA or PIPA, but I wanted to share this video with you all. PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight...
Designing for Clients
One of the points of custom jewelry, is to make custom designs for your clients. You could even say it was the whole point, if you didn’t know how amazingly awesome it is to make custom jewelry. Which is why I get so overwhelmingly irritated with fellow designers when...Music as Jewelry
I am about to tell you the secret to all of my designs. Each and every one of the designs that you see on my website has been somehow created by music. Yes, there are usually a set of inspirational circumstances that come together for each particular piece, but by and...
So after setting up my bench, the thing to do is new pieces, right? Sure. No problem. Except I forgot to unpack my solder. I know I saw it in one of those boxes…. So this is the box I pulled out from under my bench looking for my solder. Note that it is...
And Now for Poetry
Well until I find the rest of my boxes, and the miscellaneous garage stuffs get moved out of my studio niche and into the garage- this is as good as it’s going to get…. For now. I did however, decide this is going to be really an awesome place to work....
Progress has been made. I’m almost sure of it. Tools are racked and stones unpacked, but materials are mostly missing in action… there’s still alot of boxes. Part of being a tool using artist, I think, is you just collect any tool that crosses your...