Have you ever wondered about the effect of music on art? I think about it all the time. In our modern societies of helter-skelter, breakneck speeds, our musics often keep pace, driving our lives with strong beats and faster rhythms. Which is not bad- I love to forge to rock music, or clean the house to a latin beat. But what about music to design to? To inspire one to ever greater artistic heights?
In the Academie de France, painters, musicians and sculptors studied together, and produced some of the world’s most highly acclaimed art. Granted, this started back in 1666 when most music was high church chorales, or instrumental accompaniments, but I think that is only further support for the idea that music and art are intertwined…
Take the painting that starts this post, for example. Painted by Anthony Benedetto, he is a modern master who’s work has been commissioned by the United Nations, and who has two paintings that are included in Oprah Winfrey’s personal collection.
Pretty good, right? Now I can almost hear you, “There’s the art, not that I’ve ever heard of this guy, but what does this have to do with music?”
Because the man who painted that picture, is also known as Tony Bennet. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. Painter, musician, and accomplished at both. With 50 million records, and 11 Grammy Awards, Mr. Anthony Benedetto, or Tony Bennet, is recognizable the world over both as a musician and an painter- or more simply an Artist. A modern rennaissance artist whose life, I believe, is intertwined with both Art and Music.
I can’t paint. I’ve tried. I like to sing- but I’ll never be a star on the stage, and that’s just fine with me. What I’ve noticed, however, is that when I create, the ideas that are in my mind are three dimensional breathing reality- and it’s nearly impossible to create in only one medium, and one dimension.
Just like the ring I was working on several posts ago, I create best in three physical dimensions, but also with music sweeping around me, trying to capture an emotional response to an ephemeral sensation. Like this piece:
Flowing design, check. Forged silver, check. Looks like most of the rest of my work, in fact… But did you know that I forged this particular pendant to Beethoven’s Fur Elise while thinking about the flitting paths of a trio of butterflies I watched with my daughters?
It’s all connected, I believe. Our mental states as artists, the sensory inputs we receive while working…
What do you connect to while creating?
For more of Mr. Benedetto’s work, please visit his painting gallery website.
How about singing as you work? I’m no singer, but music definitely lifts me when I’m working on something. I go for classical usually, but jazz on occasion fits right in. I must admit that hip-hop also sneaks in too!