Milky Way- Jökulsárlón, Iceland by ovaratli
Something I’ve noticed in life is that nothing waits for you. Emergencies happen, the unexpected crops up, and yet, life goes on just as it always does. Last week one of my children was very sick. I didn’t sleep, she didn’t really sleep, and life ground to a halt. At the very same time, it looked as though my house would finally be sold- and I would have to pack up and move out in less than two weeks. I am seriously not looking forward to packing my studio and assorted large, bulky tools at any time, but it was even worse with the kid so sick. She recovered, the interest in the house fell through, and I can finally pick up the pieces and say- wait a minute. Isn’t it still Friday?
So life went on without me.
In fact, it speeded up considerably. I have all of the galleries which host my jewelry suddenly clamoring for new pieces. Several blogs have asked to review my jewelry and my studio. (Eep!) In addition, an oft-mentioned-“Gee we should do that”-but-never-official jewelry party is now suddenly official. And in less than two weeks. This is my own fault to be sure- but I’ve never actually had anyone take me up on my offers of a jewelry party, so I’m extremely nervous. Will I have enough jewelry? Do I have enough displays that aren’t packed? Will I remember to sleep the night before???
I literally couldn’t keep my requirements straight so I made a list. Each item on the list is not a single item, by the way, but several items, like: “Make 70 pairs of earrings under $20”. I don’t think I’ve made 70 pairs of earrings in the last 6 months, so the next two weeks should be very interesting!

That list is almost as tall as I am....
It’s going to feel so good to cross things off the list, however. Simply the act of writing all this stuff down has had a wonderful relaxing quality. This massive list can actually be accomplished, I think. I don’t even have to give up too much sleep! Amazingly enough, I made 25 pairs of earrings today, plus finished a few pendants that had been languishing on the bench. Nothing I can cross off the list yet, but it was so much fun!
It felt wonderful to be back in the shop, dreaming in silver, and working busily. My kids got out my extra pliers and the bits of craft wire I’ve given them, and made “rings” and “bracelets” for their bears. The music bustled quietly away in the background, and we were all happily productive. It felt as though I’d come to the surface to breathe after a long ocean swim. To break through the waves, and stare at the awesome stars above.
Milky Way / Via Láctea by Chaval Brasil
My plan is to return to my daily posts this week, and share them with you all again. I thank you for your patience.
I’ll look forward to your successful jewelry party.
You’ll have to tell us all about it.
Family comes first of course, so I understand; but I missed your blogging. I was looking forward to your next metals post, but I guess I’ll have to wait (impatiently!).
Good luck with your list and 70 pairs of earrings!