I must start this post with a bit of a confession. I love superheroes. When I was a little girl, I would run around with my hooded coat on my head as an impromptu cape, and dream that I could fly. Now that I’m a grown up I wish for the super-power of never forgetting anything, and always being on time.
It’s in the studio, however, that I wish most ardently for super powers. After a day filled with repeated file-punctures, and burning myself for the umpteenth time, I wish to be indestructible. Which is why today I’m going to talk about that famous indestructible metal, Adamantium.
Okay, not really. Adamantium is actually not a real metal. It is, unfortunately, fictional. But this brings up a very interesting question- at least to me. There are currently 86 metals and several more remain to be discovered that I could conceivably discuss on these Metal Monday posts. With alloys and such, the list is longer.
But do you want me to talk about all these metals? This is, after all primarily a jewelry blog. I ask, because I don’t want you all to get bored with the minute variations in silver and gold alloys. They are intensely fascinating to me- but are in reality a fairly dry subject.
Do you want me to continue? Should I expand into something else on Mondays? Leave a comment, and let me know!
I for one find it fascinating and want to hear more! (but then I’m sure you already knew that, lol)
More metals please.
I’m liking this- especially the fictional metals- I have lots of trouble with the ones we already know about- lets hear more
Absolutely! I’m interested in reading about metals, and you have a great way of explaining things. ๐
Oh I’m so glad! I will post about Titanium next week, I think. Thanks so much for all the comments!
How about Niobium? It’s a fine jewelers metal too.
Don’t forget unobtainium (see Avatar for more info).
Unobtanium??!? Really?
Thank you one and all for all the wonderful feedback! I have not only decided to continue on with the metals posts- but every so often, I will also write about a fictional metal. Just for fun.
Yeah… Unobtainium caused all that fuss on Pandora in the movie Avatar. You have to listen carefully, as they only mention it once I think. I was a bit offended actually, I like the movie a lot but that metal was a bit hokey I thought.
Actually, that’s fairly par for the course when it comes to naming metals it seems. There’s Einsteinium, Californium, Americium, Berkelium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, and Lawrencium. Which are named in turn for Einstein, the state of California, America, University of California- Berkley, Dimitri Mendeleev, Alfred Nobel, and the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Berkley, California. Naming a metal one can’t actually get to Unobtainium seems fairly… reasonable, actually.
Not forgetting that the metals you mention are radioactive. I personally prefer the non-radioactive metals, especially when I’m wearing them as jewelry!
Did you know that Titanium was originally known as Wolfram? That accounts for why its atomic symbol is W.
I think that I may need to get you to research my blog articles…. ๐
No, I didn’t know that was the reason for Titanium’s symbol… But that’s really cool!